Your ERP is Complicated Enough. Disaster Recovery Doesn’t Have to Be.
Disaster recovery (DR) readiness for your organization’s critical systems and applications – including enterprise resource planning (ERP) – falls squarely on your shoulders. That means you’re likely facing a low tolerance for data loss and downtime, as well as some trepidation as to how well the plan you have in place will actually work if forced into action.
Whether you’re currently running workloads on premises or on the cloud, the expansion of cloud computing is changing the way businesses think about DR, cost-effectively answering the call for greater IT resilience without the headaches.
By reading this whitepaper, you’ll discover:
- The true cost of business disruptions and unexpected downtime (spoiler alert: it’s not just monetary)
- Differences between traditional and cloud DR
- Key considerations for cloud DR
The most recent ITIC Hourly Cost of Downtime Survey identified that a single hour of downtime costs over $100,000 (USD) for 98% of large enterprises. For the top 10 verticals, that figure skyrockets, routinely topping the $5 Million (USD) mark. Download today and see how you can simplify disaster recovery in the cloud.