REC Solar
REC Solar is a nationwide solar provider who has helped more than 700 commercial, public sector and utility scale solar customers think differently about energy while saving them millions of dollars and changing the way they do business. After living through the limitations of hosting JD Edwards on-premise, the organization was ready for an alternative approach that would more completely move their infrastructure to the cloud.
Early on in their search for a cloud migration partner, Syntax quickly rose to the top of the list based upon their Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced Consulting Partner Oracle Competency certification and JDE expertise. By migrating their system to the Syntax Enterprise Cloud® powered by AWS, REC Solar was able to reduce their annual budget for JDE by nearly 25%.
Download this Success Story to discover:
- Why the challenges of traditional hosting can create an opportunity for change
- How migration to the cloud can provide a cost-effective, highly resilient and flexible solution
- Why an experienced AWS partner with proven results is a key differentiator
One of the elegant aspects of our move to AWS was the simplicity of moving our entire platform almost entirely as is. We did some re-architecting as it pertained to disaster recovery, but otherwise the built-in availability zones and DR capabilities of AWS were more than sufficient to meet our requirements without the needs for additional hardware or subscription costs.
Art Villa CIO and VP of Shared Services, REC Solar