Dole Packaged Foods, LLC, is a world leader in growing, sourcing, distributing and marketing fruit and healthy snacks. Due in part to corporate divestiture, the company faced a tight time-line to move existing applications away from on-premise while also setting up the latest applications to enable the newly built company – Dole International – to exist and operate independently.
From an IT perspective, Dole wanted to reduce resources while improving performance, disaster recovery capabilities, and security. Each application was evaluated to see if there was a better solution.
Download this Success Story to discover how Dole’s transition to Syntax’s Managed Cloud Services allowed the company to:
- Improve capacity and disaster recovery capabilities that wasn’t affordable in-house
- Access additional skills and resources without increasing headcount
- Free up capital to invest in strategic initiatives
If our systems are down and we can’t keep our manufacturing plants going, over 1,000 people go home. We can’t afford that. We need quality hardware to support our business.
Dole Representative