Integrate SAP CRM Solutions with Amazon Connect’s Contact Center

Contact centers are far more complex than in the pure phone age. Customer service agents can communicate with customers and prospects by phone, email, video conferencing, social media, and other channels. Those agents need the latest corporate information to help provide rapid, accurate, and satisfactory customer service — information that may reside in your CRM systems.

Syntax CxLink Contact Center leverages Syntax’s in depth knowledge of both SAP and AWS and consolidates multiple AWS tools into a single product with a simple interface, providing more efficient, faster connectivity to your contact center and recovery of SAP data.

Discover how SAP-certified Syntax CxLink Contact Center can provide your organization with:

  • A software as a service (SaaS) offering that bridges between the advanced capabilities of SAP CRM and AWS Connect to provide a modern, high performance, voice services to SAP CRM users
  • Multi-tenant support, with the ability to select your tenant size to optimize performance and cost based on required concurrent call connections
  • SAP-certified solution available in both the AWS Marketplace and the SAP App Center

